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Zanimatelnyi shar (corrugated)Another variant of Rubik's Snake from the USSR, with corrugated pieces. This came in several different colours too.
Zapolni Krug (aka Telefonchik) IIThe "Flower" with an identical mechanism but a simplitic frame. This entry is about the equally coloured variant.
Zapolni Krug (aka Telefonchik) IIIThe "Flower" with an identical mechanism but a different frame with a logo and an imprinted price.

Zauberkreuz (aka Magic Cross)This puzzle is similar to the Triple Cross by Binary Arts.
ZauberpuzzleFrom Politechnika. Maybe the first DIY kit of a 3x3x3. Was available in at least two languages.
Zauberpyramide Teufelstonne Tower Trikki 4Teufelstonne - Tower - Trikki 4. So lösen Sie die Geheimnisse der neuen Denkspiele.

ZauberschlangeSimilar to the politoys version but with a different name.
Zauberschlange (german knock-off)A knockoff-variant of Rubik's Snake, produced for the german market.

Zavihura V2A 4x4x4 bandaged highly symmetrically somewhere between a 3x4x4 and a 2x4x4.
ZeeCubeA 3x3x3 with external and overhang bandaging.

ZeppelinA Square-1 with 6 layers. The extensions are designed to transform it into the shape of a the namegiving aircraft.
Zeroid CubeThe combination of Circle Cube and Void Cube.
ZettaminxA faceturning dodecahedron with 6 cuts parallel to each side.

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